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Dear Sister,



This is a place where you get to be YOU - 

Fully, unapologetically & authentically.

Where all of you is embraced, welcomed & honored.

We gather here to be seen, held, empowered, connected & uplifted.

To remember why we came here.

To reclaim our sacred birthright of connection to Source.


As you connect with The Rose Codes, you are invited to step into greater devotion to your path of growth.


You can relax & let go of all that you once thought you had to be.

Return to your True Essence: the being within who is longing to shine in the world. 

It is time to reignite your Divine Feminine Power.


It is my humble honor to welcome you into this space.

In service to the Divine Feminine rising,


Sita KiaRa Santos


Girls Groups


Rites of Passage journey for teens & pre-teens to cultivate self-empowerment, deeper trust, authentic

friendships & confidence as she approaches womanhood.


Wombyn's Group

Rose ladies.jpg

Transform yourself alongside a sisterhood of wombyn committed to changing their lives & stepping into their most empowered selves.


Embodied Feminine 


Receive 1:1 personalized support & guidance through your healing journey to create the life of your soul's calling. It's time to re-write your story, sister!


The Rose Codes

Ascension Tools

for the


Rose Priestess.





About the Creatress
Sita KiaRa Santos


Sita KiaRa is the foundress of the Wyld Wombyn Mystery School & has been supporting wombyn through sacred sisterhood gatherings since 2014. She is an Earth Womb Priestess in devotion to humanity's awakening into the New Earth paradigm. She was born in Brazil, raised in Bali & has travelled the world from Hawai’i to Mexico leading transformational wombyn’s retreats, group immersions & Wombyn’s Temple gatherings. 


Sita was initiated into healing light transmissions 17 years ago & initiated into her first Mystery School at age 15, where she spent 7 years studying Bhakti yoga, shadow work, inner child healing, shamanic journeying & practices for evolutionary Consciousness. She completed her BA at Naropa University in education & psychology & throughout the last 13 years has pilgrimaged to sacred sites in India, Brazil, Mexico, Ancient Avalon, United Kingdom & France.


The Wyld Wombyn Mystery School bridges tools from modern psychology & ancient spirituality to support inner transformation & lasting growth. Sita is committed to creating spaces for authentic sisterhood to blossom so women can cultivate their innate feminine wisdom to live a more empowered & soul-aligned life. 


Sita Kiara works with the frequencies of the Rose Lineage & Ancient Egypt to support women in reconnecting to their divine essence, heal ancestral blocks, reclaim their womb wisdom & unleash their truthful expression to create the life of their dreams.




"I truly enjoyed all the group activities, and learning how to appreciate my sisters. The chanting truly connected me to my divine feminine and the heart circle where we listened to and gave each other love. My biggest take away was to reflect on myself and to appreciate others, to see the beauty in me and what’s around me. Receiving the good things my sisters had to say to me was super challenging! I feel that it’s important to reconnect with the divine feminine and to reconnect with sisters. It is something we have to do more of, for ourselves!"





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Welcome to the Sisterhood!


"The truthful path is to be determined by each

discerning heart." ~ Sita Kiara

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