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The Shero’s Journey


A Coming-of-Age Girls Group

Supporting teens & pre-teens to feel empowered, connected & confident in their transition towards womanhood.


In community, we Thrive.


This group is a safe & sacred space for young maidens to be held in a circle of supportive peers with an elder mentor offering positive role-modeling. The girls learn tools to identify their emotions, track their nervous system, find inner calm, deepen self-confidence and express themselves authentically. We will dive into the magic of the moon & how her cycles affect us as women.


The Shero's Journey includes a mixture of council circles, dance, drama, group games, artistic expression & story-telling, while weaving together the wisdom of global traditions.

Dear Parents,

The Shero's Journey is designed to empower pre-teen & teenage girls with tools to transition towards womanhood feeling confident in their bodies, trusting their inner guidance & being able to express their truth in the face of challenges. This program will support the girls to identify their emotions, track their nervous system, gain tools for calm, deepen self-confidence, own their authentic expression & learn about the magic & power of their moon cycles (for girls pre & post menarche)


We focus on the cyclical nature of women & what it means to honor the energies & archetypes of the 4 seasons within us. It is a journey of self-discovery & building resilience & the capacity to know their inner truth. Our journey will culminate in a Ceremonial Rites of Passage with mothers/guardians present to honor their transition towards womanhood.

We believe that if every maiden had the opportunity to understand her body, her emotions and her untainted strength, we would be able to raise a new generation of fully empowered women.


Trust in your Self.

What is the
Shero's Journey?

Based on Joseph Campbell's mythological model, we journey through the phases of a true Heroine's journey in her quest to become a more empowered version of herself.


Our Approach

We teach girls tools & resources to self-regulate & communicate their internal experience so they can feel connected, seen & understood throughout this big life transition they are entering.


We use mindfulness practices to help them find their own bedrock of inner peace & offer many opportunities for self-expression through dance, drama, circle sharing & artistic creations.


Our goal is to support these girls to feel comfortable being themselves authentically, knowing & honoring their truth, & embracing their unique expressions.


We value differences & foster a sense of sisterhood based on acceptance, honesty & collaboration.


All the while having plenty of fun with our creativity, movement & time outdoors!

About your Mentor

Sita Santos received her Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education & focus in Psychology at Naropa University in 2016 & is passionate about creating authentic community spaces for healing & self-growth. She loves engaging in creativity, rituals and offering new modes of self-expression. Sita recognizes the importance of empowering our youth with tools for self-care & awareness. She has worked in multiple educational programs, mentored at a holistic child therapy center, & created her own youth summer programs & extracurricular groups globally. Sita has also facilitated wombyn’s circles for the past 9 years & is deeply devoted to supporting humanity to reconnect with the Divine Feminine & support intergenerational healing.


Our Pillars


Connection to Self, Others & Nature


The Seasonal Archetypes of the Feminine


Postitive role-modeling


Honoring life transitions


Intergenerational healing

Our Values





Empowered expression

Embodied knowing



Cyclical Awareness



Intuitive knowing


Why Rites of Passage?

As young girls transition towards womanhood, there arises new challenges to navigate adolescence. The questions arise of “Who am I?” & “Where is my place in the world?” This is a time of discovering their unique identities & figuring out how to relate to the greater world.


In today’s western world, we are bombarded with a lot of external perspectives through the digital world & social media. It is crucial that we step in with even  greater support of positive reflections & direction to connect with their inner truth & cultivate positive discernment. The more support they receive at this time, the more they will emerge feeling competent, confident & prepared to face the big life choices that lay ahead of them. The support and guidance of parents, teachers & holistic mentors are essential in supporting them through this growth process.


Knowing there is someone who belives in us, sees our potential & can inspire & support us to reach towards our dreams is one of the greatest gifts we can receive.


Challenges today's
youth are facing


the digital era

instant gratification (IG)

disconnection from nature

illness in the body

loneliness & isolation

Pedagogies we incorporate



Play-based learning

Nature Schools



Our solutions for a healthier life


more time outdoors

developing social-emotional skills

attuning to cycles of time

connection in community


Cultures we're inspired by



Cultures of Brazil, Hawai’i & Bali

The Rose Lineages 


Through the Shero's Journey, girls will:


Find a sense of belonging in an authentic community

Gain an embodied understanding of her feminine cycles

Find more acceptance of herself & others

Learn to make decisions from her intuitive guidance

Gain more confidence in personal boundaries

Experience more self-empowerment

Feel more self-trust & openness with peers

Develop more emotional intelligence & capacity to communicate 

Parent Testimonial

"My eldest daughter resists exploring and sharing intimately as much with us as she once did and is definitely resisting being her best self. We have not found spaces and places to feel connected to making friends quickly and deeply and she especially is not well versed in how to get close with someone on her own terms. Sita held the girls in diving into their own expressions and connecting to their own ways of self confidence, this felt like a really unique, beautiful experience. Since the time together my daughter has felt more available to listen, to learn, to respect, and to connect to more types of people in way she didn't before. It was definitely the niche we were looking for, for feeling into friends who are on the same level of excitement about life and sisterhood, and for seeing and being seen for who they truly are. We felt like each of us was embraced for being our own selves and as a family we were witnessed for who we are as whole beings, not being judged or pushed/pulled in anyway. There is a natural spaciousness that is offered by Sita that is most welcome and feels precious. After a shared ceremony, a Mother Daughter Blessing, we felt more available to be truthful on an even deeper level, from a loving place that we could honor each other where we truly are at. We cultivated a sense of forgiveness and grace at a time most needed. I hoped there may be connections made for friends and sisterhood and there definitely have been. The time together will impact and ripple in a super beneficial way. There is a multidimensional affect that is tangible and true. If you are looking for a genuine experience of witnessing and holding then I encourage you to carve a little space for this offering in yours and your daughters' hearts."

SaRa, mother of 14 year old


What's included

Girls' Meetings:

8 Girls Group meetings - 2.5 hours each

2 Weekend Nature Immersions - 5 hours each

FREE Meet & Greet with past Girls Group graduates


Mothers' Meetings:

Mother-Daughter Rites of Passage Ceremony

4 Mothers Circles - 2.5 hours each
FREE follow-up Zoom Circle post-group


Bonus materials included:

Moon Booklet & at-home resources

Moon Kit materials



(To Be Announced)

August - November, 2024.


LOCATION:  Nevada City, California.


Applications OPEN until July, 2024


Sita's Maiden Journey Story

I grew up on an island called Bali & decided to go to high school in NYC. It was a challenging transition, to say the least! I experienced a culture shock & felt overwhelmed, alone & “different”, like I didn‘t belong there. When I was 15, I met my first big mentor. I learned tools that helped me feel calm no matter what was happening around me & I started to really enjoy my life again. I made many new life-long friends, felt happier than ever before & I wasn’t bothered by what other people thought about me “out there”. I had found a community of like-minded people with whom I felt understood, seen & could fully be myself. I felt freer to be me & to choose whatever I loved to do, trusting in my own inner guidance & valuing my own well-being over trying to be liked by others.


Nowadays, I love helping others find the inner courage & freedom to be themselves authentically & find true connections, rather than trying to be someone they think they should be to “fit in”. You were not made to be put in a box, so why would you force yourself to be in one? There are so many ways we can learn to step out of the box and express our unique gifts. 

The Shero's Journey

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